Deployment Day: Version 1.6.7 webhooks

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of webhooks on the SolidShops platform!

Webhooks are user-defined callbacks. They provide a lightweight mechanism for letting remote applications receive push notifications from SolidShops, without requiring polling. For example, you may want to sync your SolidShops products with your inventory system or add a new customer to your CRM system once a SolidShops order has been created.

You can configure email or HTTP(S) callbacks.


Webhooks can be configured for the following events:

  • product/created
  • product/changed
  • product/deleted
  • page/created
  • page/changed
  • page/deleted
  • order/created
  • order/changed

More information can be found here.

Enjoy the updates everyone and let us know if you have an idea that can improve our application and our service to you. We’d love to know!