Deployment Day: Version 1.8.1 Maintenance and a few improvements

Since the first quarter of this year, we have been rolling out several improvements to all stores. Most of them were maintenance releases with a few new features, based on the feedback we’ve received.

Technical improvements and more API’s:

  • We improved the performance of your online store by replacing our loadbalancer with nginx and enabling HTTP2.
  • We rewrote our own website in Laravel instead of a combination of WordPress and ZF1.
  • We added a Dockerfile to our local development environment project.
  • We rewrote our API layer on top of Zend Expressive and improved our roles/permissions system.
  • We created a-lot-of internal API’s and refactored our application to consume these API’s. (shops, logs, pricing, mail, …)
  • We updated our User, Customfields, Countries API. We also return a more accurate error message if something goes wrong and we removed the “http status” attribute from every payload.
  • We finally removed Adobe Flash from our Admin.


  • You now have the ability to order Coupons in our admin.
  • You can choose whether your coupon applies to the shipping cost or not.



Customfield type “product”:

We have a new customfield type “product” so you can choose which products you want to link to another product. This can be very handy if you sell accessories for a certain product or if you want to show simular products to your visitors.



Enjoy the updates everyone and let us know if you have an idea that can improve our application and our service to you. We’d love to know!