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I want to cancel my account, can I get a refund?

Sorry, we offer no refunds. We do offer a free trial period in which you can try out the application completely for free without the need of a credit card. If you continue to use the application afterwards and decide to upgrade to a paid account, we do not offer any refunds on those payments.

You can cancel your account at any time by going to "account" -> "close account". You will not be billed again after canceling your account.

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How can I set user permissions for my staff logins?

You can set permissions for your staff logins in order to limit what a user access. Typically your store may have a user that only manages products and orders. In such a case you may want to hide all other functionality from that user. You can do so by going to "account" -> "Staff logins".

Click on the user you want to set permissions for and select what tabs a user can access.

On the next screen, select the 'tabs' this user may access. In this example we'll only select products and orders.
When you update the users' permissions, he or she will only be able to see and access the selected tabs. Please notice that the 'Dashboard' is accessible to all your users and that you cannot change that permission.

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