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How can I create a static content page?

You can create a static concent page such as an "About" page, a "Terms of Service" page or any other static page by going to the "Pages" tab and clicking on the "Add a page" link.

Create any content you like, including YouTube video's, images or even Google Maps if you'd like. Press the "Add Page" button to save your page.

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How to add extra custom fields to your pages?

In some cases, the default page fields aren't enough. Custom fields allow you to add extra fields like seo keywords, categories etc to your page.

First of all, you need to create a customfield group. You can also create a specific group for seo fields or languages for instance.

Once the customfieldgroup is created, you can add as many custom fields as you like.

From now on the custom fields are available in your pages. If you add or edit a page you can choose the customfieldgroup you just created and add it to your screen. Select the group called "Books" from the dropdown menu and the "Marketing Quote" field you created earlier should appear. Add an marketing quote to your page and save it. Make sure the page is "published" so that it appears in your store.

You're all set! The next step is showing this custom page data in your templates. Here's the documentation for reading out custom fields in your templates.

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