Deployment Day: Version 1.7.0 Custom fields for pages and custom field filters

We’ve just upgraded all stores to the latest version of the SolidShops e-commerce CMS. This release contains a feature that has been requested a lot.

Define custom fields in pages

From now on you can create custom field groups and custom fields that can be added to your pages. We offer the same type of fields that can be found in product custom field groups. More information on creating new custom field groups and custom fields can be found here.



If you are wondering how you can implement those fields in your templates, you should have a look at our update page documentation.

 Filter on page & product custom fields in our api and template language

Our API layer, which is used in our template language for products and pages, has been updated so that you can search for products and pages that have these custom fields.

If you created a custom field group “ranking” and a custom field “featured”and  you want to query these products, you can use the following code snippet:

{% for productObject in product.getList( {"custom_fields.ranking.features.value":"1"} ) %}
{{ }} has "ranking.feature" as custom field and value:
{{ productObject.ranking.features.value}}
{% endfor%}


Enjoy the updates everyone and let us know if you have an idea that can improve our application and our service to you.

We’d love to know!